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Clube Cidade

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Loyalty program with discounts, cashback, and exclusive rewards

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Clube Cidade provides a loyalty program designed to reward registered users with exclusive benefits. By joining, you can enjoy perks such as special pricing, cashback opportunities, discount coupons, and personalized gifts during your birthday month. Additionally, the program offers participation in prize draws, enhancing your overall shopping experience. Registration is simple, and identifying yourself during purchases unlocks access to these features effortlessly.

Enjoy Exclusive Rewards

With Clube Cidade, you can maximize your savings through discounts and cashback while accessing exclusive deals tailored to your preferences. The loyalty system adds value to your shopping routine, making it an attractive choice for regular customers.

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A User-Friendly and Reward-Driven Program

Clube Cidade ensures an easy-to-use experience that prioritizes customer satisfaction. By actively participating in the program, you can benefit from seasonal campaigns and personalized rewards, adding an extra layer of convenience and value to your purchases.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by idEver Inteligência Digital LTDA.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 6.0 or higher required

Information about Clube Cidade 4.10.3

Package Name br.com.idever.fidelidade.cidade
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Shopping
Language English
16 more
Author idEver Inteligência Digital LTDA
Downloads 2
Date Feb 7, 2025
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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